
Register: Category


This register is used to organize and present of the registers used by the "French Geocatalogue registry"

Core metadata

is a Register | Container
changed on 19 Mar 2021 13:45:59.873
submitted byAbdelfettah FELIACHI
accepted on 26 Jul 2019 08:02:38.303

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en This register is used to organize and present of the registers used by the "French Geocatalogue registry"
fr Ce registre est utilisé pour aider l'organisation et la présentation des registres du Geocatalogue national français.
has member relation member
en Category
fr Catégorie
member Systeme
modified 19 Mar 2021 13:45:59.873
notation Category
type Register | Container
version info 4
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Name Notation Description Types Status
Systeme 1 Catégorie permettant d'identifier les registres systèmes Concept stable