
Entry: env-ui

URI: http://environment.data.gov.uk/registry/structure/ui/

env-ui prefix registration - properties used in the UI of the environment registry

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is a Ontology
submitted bybootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap

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date submitted 16 Jul 2019 12:12:12.286
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph
entity env-ui
source graph graph

description env-ui prefix registration - properties used in the UI of the environment registry
item class Ontology
label env-ui
notation env-ui
register prefixes
status status experimental
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap

type register item
version info 1
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description env-ui prefix registration - properties used in the UI of the environment registry
label env-ui
preferred namespace prefix env-ui
preferred namespace uri http://environment.data.gov.uk/registry/structure/ui/
type Ontology


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