
Entrée : Subregister


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est un form template
soumis parbootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap

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date submitted 16 Jul 2019 12:12:11.536
entity Subregister
source graph graph
entity Subregister
source graph graph
entity Subregister
source graph graph
entity Subregister
source graph graph
entity Subregister
source graph graph
entity Subregister
source graph graph

item class form template
label Subregister
notation register
register form templates
status status stable
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap

type register item
version info 1
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form fields (
field type label field
label id
notation id
property notation
required true
tooltip ID ('notation') for the sub-register
type form field
field type label field
label label
notation label
property label
required true
tooltip Label (name) for the register
type form field
field type text field
label description
notation description
property description
required true
tooltip Longer description of the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label membership predicate
notation membership
property membership predicate
tooltip Optional membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label inv membership
notation inv-membership
property inverse membership predicate
tooltip Optional inverse membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label contained types
multivalued true
notation containedIC
property contained item class
tooltip Option set of types which will be allowed in this register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label register type
multivalued true
notation type
property type
tooltip Additional rdf:type values for the register (will already be a reg:Register).
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy child property
notation hChild
property hierarchy child property
tooltip Property used for child links in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy root property
notation hRoot
property hierarchy root property
tooltip Property used to find root entries in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label category
notation category
property category
tooltip Category tag for the resister to aid discovery
type form field
field type any uRIField
label owner
notation owner
property owner
tooltip Organization that owns the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label entity type
notation entity
property category - Entity Type
tooltip The kind of thing held in the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label licence
notation licence
property license
tooltip Licence that applies to the register contents
type form field
) | (
field type label field
label id
notation id
property notation
required true
tooltip ID ('notation') for the sub-register
type form field
field type label field
label label
notation label
property label
required true
tooltip Label (name) for the register
type form field
field type text field
label description
notation description
property description
required true
tooltip Longer description of the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label membership predicate
notation membership
property membership predicate
tooltip Optional membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label inv membership
notation inv-membership
property inverse membership predicate
tooltip Optional inverse membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label contained types
multivalued true
notation containedIC
property contained item class
tooltip Option set of types which will be allowed in this register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label register type
multivalued true
notation type
property type
tooltip Additional rdf:type values for the register (will already be a reg:Register).
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy child property
notation hChild
property hierarchy child property
tooltip Property used for child links in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy root property
notation hRoot
property hierarchy root property
tooltip Property used to find root entries in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label category
notation category
property category
tooltip Category tag for the resister to aid discovery
type form field
field type any uRIField
label owner
notation owner
property owner
tooltip Organization that owns the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label entity type
notation entity
property category - Entity Type
tooltip The kind of thing held in the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label licence
notation licence
property license
tooltip Licence that applies to the register contents
type form field
) | (
field type label field
label id
notation id
property notation
required true
tooltip ID ('notation') for the sub-register
type form field
field type label field
label label
notation label
property label
required true
tooltip Label (name) for the register
type form field
field type text field
label description
notation description
property description
required true
tooltip Longer description of the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label membership predicate
notation membership
property membership predicate
tooltip Optional membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label inv membership
notation inv-membership
property inverse membership predicate
tooltip Optional inverse membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label contained types
multivalued true
notation containedIC
property contained item class
tooltip Option set of types which will be allowed in this register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label register type
multivalued true
notation type
property type
tooltip Additional rdf:type values for the register (will already be a reg:Register).
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy child property
notation hChild
property hierarchy child property
tooltip Property used for child links in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy root property
notation hRoot
property hierarchy root property
tooltip Property used to find root entries in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label category
notation category
property category
tooltip Category tag for the resister to aid discovery
type form field
field type any uRIField
label owner
notation owner
property owner
tooltip Organization that owns the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label entity type
notation entity
property category - Entity Type
tooltip The kind of thing held in the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label licence
notation licence
property license
tooltip Licence that applies to the register contents
type form field
) | (
field type label field
label id
notation id
property notation
required true
tooltip ID ('notation') for the sub-register
type form field
field type label field
label label
notation label
property label
required true
tooltip Label (name) for the register
type form field
field type text field
label description
notation description
property description
required true
tooltip Longer description of the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label membership predicate
notation membership
property membership predicate
tooltip Optional membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label inv membership
notation inv-membership
property inverse membership predicate
tooltip Optional inverse membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label contained types
multivalued true
notation containedIC
property contained item class
tooltip Option set of types which will be allowed in this register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label register type
multivalued true
notation type
property type
tooltip Additional rdf:type values for the register (will already be a reg:Register).
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy child property
notation hChild
property hierarchy child property
tooltip Property used for child links in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy root property
notation hRoot
property hierarchy root property
tooltip Property used to find root entries in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label category
notation category
property category
tooltip Category tag for the resister to aid discovery
type form field
field type any uRIField
label owner
notation owner
property owner
tooltip Organization that owns the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label entity type
notation entity
property category - Entity Type
tooltip The kind of thing held in the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label licence
notation licence
property license
tooltip Licence that applies to the register contents
type form field
) | (
field type label field
label id
notation id
property notation
required true
tooltip ID ('notation') for the sub-register
type form field
field type label field
label label
notation label
property label
required true
tooltip Label (name) for the register
type form field
field type text field
label description
notation description
property description
required true
tooltip Longer description of the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label membership predicate
notation membership
property membership predicate
tooltip Optional membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label inv membership
notation inv-membership
property inverse membership predicate
tooltip Optional inverse membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label contained types
multivalued true
notation containedIC
property contained item class
tooltip Option set of types which will be allowed in this register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label register type
multivalued true
notation type
property type
tooltip Additional rdf:type values for the register (will already be a reg:Register).
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy child property
notation hChild
property hierarchy child property
tooltip Property used for child links in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy root property
notation hRoot
property hierarchy root property
tooltip Property used to find root entries in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label category
notation category
property category
tooltip Category tag for the resister to aid discovery
type form field
field type any uRIField
label owner
notation owner
property owner
tooltip Organization that owns the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label entity type
notation entity
property category - Entity Type
tooltip The kind of thing held in the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label licence
notation licence
property license
tooltip Licence that applies to the register contents
type form field
) | (
field type label field
label id
notation id
property notation
required true
tooltip ID ('notation') for the sub-register
type form field
field type label field
label label
notation label
property label
required true
tooltip Label (name) for the register
type form field
field type text field
label description
notation description
property description
required true
tooltip Longer description of the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label membership predicate
notation membership
property membership predicate
tooltip Optional membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label inv membership
notation inv-membership
property inverse membership predicate
tooltip Optional inverse membership predicate for the register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label contained types
multivalued true
notation containedIC
property contained item class
tooltip Option set of types which will be allowed in this register.
type form field
field type any uRIField
label register type
multivalued true
notation type
property type
tooltip Additional rdf:type values for the register (will already be a reg:Register).
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy child property
notation hChild
property hierarchy child property
tooltip Property used for child links in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label hierarchy root property
notation hRoot
property hierarchy root property
tooltip Property used to find root entries in tree view
type form field
field type any uRIField
label category
notation category
property category
tooltip Category tag for the resister to aid discovery
type form field
field type any uRIField
label owner
notation owner
property owner
tooltip Organization that owns the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label entity type
notation entity
property category - Entity Type
tooltip The kind of thing held in the register
type form field
field type any uRIField
label licence
notation licence
property license
tooltip Licence that applies to the register contents
type form field
label Subregister
type Register
type Register
type Register
type Register
type Register
type Register

tooltip Define a sub-register.
type form template


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