
Entrée: Sub-organization of - version visionnée 1


UI template for finding org:subOrganizationOf links

Métadonnées principales

est path template
soumis parbootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap, bootstrap

Formats de téléchargement disponibles

RDF ttlavec les métadonnées
RDF/XMLavec les métadonnées
JSON-LDavec les métadonnées
CSVavec les métadonnées

Toutes les propriétés métadonnées

date submitted 16 Jul 2019 14:12:13.199
entity Sub-organization of
source graph graph
entity Sub-organization of
source graph graph
entity Sub-organization of
source graph graph
entity Sub-organization of
source graph graph
entity Sub-organization of
source graph graph
entity Sub-organization of
source graph graph

description UI template for finding org:subOrganizationOf links
item class path template
label Sub-organization of
notation subOrganizationOf
register links
status status stable
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap
name bootstrap

type register item
version info 1
Chargement ...
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description UI template for finding org:subOrganizationOf links
label Sub-organization of
path org:subOrganizationOf
type path template


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